Corbin reiterates call for Bacchus inquiry
--- says its police job to get the evidence
LEADER of the People's National Congress/Reform (PNC/R) and Opposition Leader, Robert Corbin has castigated the government for not holding an inquiry into the Shafeek Bacchus killing in light of George Bacchus's allegations that a "phantom gang" was responsible for his brother's death "and other killings," and that the Minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Gajraj, was linked to the phantom gang.

Mr. Corbin also reiterated the PNC/R's call for the resignation of Minister Gajraj at a public meeting at Ruimveldt Saturday night, charging that there was already enough evidence on that score.

As regards providing evidence to the Commissioner of Police on the Shafeek Bacchus matter, Mr. Corbin told a large gathering of his supporters that it was the work of the Police to find the evidence, and should he (Corbin) provide the evidence, then he (Corbin) should be the Commissioner of Police.

Mr. Corbin said any responsible government would have conducted an inquest when several persons were killed in unusual circumstances.

He welcomed the appointment of Winston Felix as the new Commissioner of Police and urged that the relevant files and evidence of the Shafeek Bacchus and other killings be handed to the new Commissioner quickly, suggesting that there are plans to destroy them and that that's the reason why the government is saying there is no shred of evidence on which Gajraj could be implicated with a phantom gang.

Referring to the spate of killings, Mr. Corbin described the situation as serious and dangerous, urging his supporters not to take the matter lightly. He contended that if a leading member of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) had been killed, they would accuse the PNC/R of doing it and vice-versa.

The PNC/R leader, dealing with the issuing of firearm licenses, accused Minister Gajraj of "interference in the process," pointing out that only the Commissioner of Police has such authority. He further alleged that many persons have paid bribes to obtain firearm licenses, adding that he knows several persons who are willing to come forward and testify that they paid bribes for their licenses.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004




No to Gajraj stepping down!



Lumumba made a strong point, among others, that Ravi Dev had stayed abroad, until the PPP/Civic had won the elections in 1992 and formed the government when he felt it was safe to return and engage in politics and freely express his views.