It appears that Amnesty International and the Human Rights are politically motivated organizations.

Steve DeCarmo            Atrocities   Gilbert   Tradewinds


Philippines reintroduces hanging

The Link above,  was taken from  Stabroek News online  and it irritates many in the group, as the Burnhams and the PNC Party, not only ruined Guyana, but also used the treasury as their own personal bank account.

President Bush is after Saddam Hussain's wealth and CNN had reported that he had sent investigators to Syria to seize any wealth found to rebuild Iraq.

Now, what about former Emperor of Guyana, Sampson Burnham, who the British and America's CIA put into power. A reputable America magazine, in the 1970s, claimed that Sampson Burnham, was one of three richest black people in the world.

 Emperor Salassie of  Ethiopia was another, who is the 3rd one?

Will the British MI5 and American CIA help to hunt for the wealth the Bur hams stole?


CAUTION... a dead person, RASHEED, was a British National AND not a GUYANESE

 No 2 & 3 terrorists Indo Caribbean Group  Khem  UG Student  Afro Guyanese



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