After spending some nine long months in Guyana, I get a feeling that the only way to solve the problem is to request us and Canadian government to issue around 450,000 visas to Indians .The Indians are not feeling that Guyana is their mother land 

Suresh, an Indian national

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister of India, is a liar.













Product of the British Indentureship, Universal Airlines




Ready to Fly, Universal Airline shown above.First lady Varshnie Jagdeo,clips the ceremonial ribbon to launch the new service at Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Timehri.Guyana

United Airline Officials shown above are Guyanese Sudarshan Singh and Hari Bhagan Persaud



Universal Airlines lands 747 aircraft at CBJ, Timehri
UNIVERSAL Airlines scored a first yesterday when it became the first airline to operate a Boeing 747 aircraft out of Guyana.

The aircraft, with a seating capacity of 16-business class and 444 economy-class seats, touched down at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Timehri shortly after 08:00 hrs with some 300 passengers aboard.

The landing of the 747 aircraft is welcome news to Guyanese that the Timehri runway has been configured to allow for larger aircraft to operate here.

Sometime in the late 90s, the Guyana Government had cause to reject an application submitted by a US-based Trinidadian to allow Tower Air, which flies 747 jets to operate here.

There were concerns then that the runway could not stand up to the weight of such larger aircraft, as prior to yesterday only 767 and 757 were permitted to land at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

One female passenger, who returned home yesterday after attending her sister’s funeral overseas, described the aircraft as &#x201Cextremely spacious and comfortable”.

She noted too that a welcome addition, not available aboard the other airlines is a footrest.

Among those who travelled to Timehri yesterday to welcome the Boeing 747 aircraft on its maiden flight here was Prime Minister Sam Hinds and officials of Universal Airlines.

Here, passengers deplane from the aircraft which is in the background

 (Cullen Bess Nelson photo)     MAY 05, 2003