children killed at Dakota races
officials abort meeting after racing car ploughs into family bus. Event was a
memorial for slain racing ace Gavin Naraine
By Troy Peters and Mark Ramotar

Keisha Singh, seven.
TWO children
were killed, another critically injured, and several other spectators hurt
yesterday, when a car driven by British sportsman David Brodie crashed into a
bus with spectators during an event at the Gavin
Naraine International Race meeting at the South Dakota Circuit, Timehri.
Officials of the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club (GMR&SC) called off the
meeting at approximately 12:30 hours after it was announced that Dyna De Souza,
six, and her two-year-old brother Ashton De Souza of 22 Austin Street,
Campbellville had been killed. The brother and sister died on the spot after
Brodie's car developed mechanical problems and ran off the track at the second
turn hitting the red mini-bus in which family members were seated.
Spectators including Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Opposition leader Mr
Desmond Hoyte were at the time witnessing the third lap of the much-anticipated
Group 3 event, which featured several of the top racers from Guyana and Great

injured child is taken to an ambulance.
Mother of the two children Mrs Basmattie DeSouza, Keisha Singh, seven, Sandy
Singh, 17 and Azeeman Azeez, also called ‘Mamzie', 38, of 2874 North Ruimveldt,
were air-dashed to the City and taken to the Georgetown Hospital. Officials at
the institution confirmed that Keisha Singh was in the Intensive Care Unit
The Chronicle learnt that at the time of the accident, the children's father,
businessman Kurtis De Souza of Dyna's Embrodiery establishment, was in the
The impact of the crash sent racing officials, medical personnel and spectators
rushing to the scene. Moments later, the driver Brodie was taken from the scene
in a state of shock.

racer Brodie holds his head in anguish after the accident.
President of GMR&SC Mr Stanley Ming in a statement on the public address
system confirmed the fatalities and announced the cancellation of the meeting.
He described the accident as "very unfortunate".
Ming said that Brodie's car developed mechanical failure and ran off the track.
an emergency meeting of the executive of the GMR&SC, we have decided to
cancel the meeting at this point. It is a very unfortunate situation, and I
sincerely apologise on behalf of the GMR&SC Executive. I ask you spectators
to understand and bear with us."

car, driven by British race Brodie, after the fatal accident.
A few years
ago a Canadian rider crashed and died at the Dakota Circuit, but it is the first
time that spectators have been killed at the Circuit, an official of GMR&SC
told the Chronicle.
international race meeting organised by GMR&SC in association with Universal
Airlines was held to honour the memory of racing driver Gavin Naraine, who was
among several persons gunned down in a bar in Kitty some weeks ago.
Minister Sam Hinds expressed condolences to the De Souza family over the loss of
children's grandfather, Balwant Singh, 48, of 4133 North Ruimveldt, said he
would really miss Ashton and Dyna, whom he described as "little
Singh, who
sustained minor injuries to his head, was at the Georgetown Hospital yesterday
afternoon trying to be a pillar of strength for the rest of the family, some of
whom were very emotional and devastated.

bus, in and around which, members of the family were congregated.
Still very
shocked at the tragic turn of events, Singh tried to recollect for the media
what exactly happened a few hours earlier.
He said
the family -- comprising himself, his son Rohit Singh; his last daughter, Sandy
Singh; his eldest daughter, Basmattie DeSouza; his son-in-law, Kurtis DeSouza;
his three grand-children, Ashton and Dyna DeSouza and Keisha Singh and his son's
mother-in-law (Keisha's grandmother) Azeemam Azeez -- all left Georgetown
yesterday morning in Rohit's private nine-seater minibus -- GFF 3239 to attend
the memorial race meeting.
to Singh, Rohit was slated to participate in the Group B II races yesterday, for
the first time. Rohit and Kurtis were in the ‘pit’ area of the Dakota
Circuit when the fatal accident occurred.

of the injured.
usual, we just go up to the races and we park by the 'Goose-Neck' (turn two)
beyond the fence. We see one race, two race and then the third race come on
(and) tragedy struck," Singh recounted.
to him, the Englishman's racing car crashed through the inadequate fencing
facility and then slammed into the minibus he and his family were in.
was in front of my son's small bus sitting down and my big daughter, last
daughter and three grandchildren and my son's mother-in-law were also inside or
by the bus standing up when I suddenly felt an impact. And when I do realise,
the whole left side back of the bus tear away. The fence tear away. When I do
jump out, I see my granddaughter and my grandson on the ground...," Singh

and Kurtis DeSouza with baby Dyna in happier times.
said the children's mother, Basmattie, was also injured along with his
daughter Sandy and his other grandchild, Keisha.
himself, sustained minor injuries from the crash as he hit his head on
the dashboard of the vehicle.
Chronicle was informed that Kurtis and Basmattie were married in 1994.
They are the owners of Dyna's Embroidery and Screen Paints on Austin
Street, Campbellville. The couple had three children, but following
yesterday's tragedy, only one-year-old Lydia remains alive. It is
understood that the couple left Lydia at her grandparents’ home in
North Ruimveldt, where other family members took care of her.
approximately 13:00 hrs, the lifeless bodies of the two children arrived
at the Georgetown Hospital in an ambulance. By this time, a crowd of
curious onlookers, patients and hospital staff had flocked the entrance
to the Emergency Unit.
14:10 hrs, the bodies of the two children, covered with a brown
leatherette-type material, were wheeled out of the Emergency Unit on a
single stretcher and taken to the morgue of the Georgetown Hospital.
Monday, November, 04 2002