From: "Varuna Singh" 
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 
Subject: Re: [IndianCaribbean] Dr.Singh's Response to Mr.Burke - LINK

There is now cure for racism other than people understanding,
acknowledging and accepting the human and civil rights of each other .
However, there is a cure for race hate violence and this requires
immediate resolve lacking this will result in he further empowerment of such race hate groups . the further destabilization of the country , allowing anarchy to rule and the further intimidation and death of East Indians .

We need to fully understand and address the REAL nature of the PNC the aggressors and perpetrators of violence and crime and the PPP which has displayed total incompetence as a party "representing Indians ? "and as a Govt. Until and unless we can fully understand the nature of the beast, the PNC and the Mouse , the PPP , we will never more forward as a country and people .

We need to be ruthlessly HONEST in addressing the problems these two animals present , namely the PNC and PPP.

When Indians are at the verge of total despondency the PPP is always in the path of good luck to score points and win over temporary sympathy and support from the Indians, as we have seen with the recent victories of the Phantom Teams . This divergence from the leadership crises issues plaguing Indian representation in Guyana further encourages and empowers weak lame leadership within the Indo Guyanese community and this serves the best
interests of the PNC and their supporting Barbarians .

The PNC will never willingly call for an honest end to the violence and mayhem and the PPP will never open it's doors to new leadership unless and until INDIANS demonstrate to both the PNC and PPP their power to FORCE  changes .

Indians need to flex muscle and power if they ever hope for the PPP and PNC to come to real solid agreements as regards Indian rights and security. The PPP must be forced into making drastic changes within their leadership cadre and the PNC needs to be forced into honoring any and all agreements for peaceful co-existence by and between all the races in Guyana .

Indians must support the operation of these Phantom Teams regardless of their political persuasions notwithstanding the fact that the PPP may very well score political points .

I hope the actions of these Phantom Teams will encourage Indians to take a stand and strike back when they need to, until both the PNC and PPP are forced into a position of acknowledging Indians are willing and ready to unleash it's power on anyone who contributes to the compromise of Indian rights and security .




“I am Robert Corbin you talk about on television, we will get you at the appropriate time and make you an example.”

—Allegedly said by Robert Corbin, PNC Chairman, to Kwame McCoy, talk show host known for anti-PNC criticism, who claimed that Corbin threatened him in the Georgetown Public Hospital. Corbin has denied the allegation.