The Chronicle understands that the President has taken legal action against Stabroek News for publishing the false allegations.

Gajraj sues TV station  Human Rights Conference

  Public pressure  Gunmen rob Eccles store



















































































































PPP says rejects Nagamootoo, Ramjattan statements
--- maintains info carrying accusation false
THE People's Progressive Party (PPP), in a terse release last night, said it rejected separate statements by Messrs. Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan that President Bharrat Jagdeo had accused Ramjattan at a meeting of the Central Committee of the party on January 31, 2004, of "carrying" information to the United States Embassy.

According to the Freedom House statement: "The General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party (PPP), Mr. Donald Ramotar, in a recent television interview categorically stated that no member of the Central Committee, including President Bharrat Jagdeo, during the statutory meeting of January 31, 2004 held at Freedom House accused Khemraj Ramjattan of giving information to any foreign embassy or mission."

"The People's Progressive Party wishes to reiterate the statement of the General Secretary and will issue a fuller account, shortly," added the release.

Nagamootoo and Ramjattan broke ranks yesterday and challenged the statement of the PPP General Secretary who declared that no such accusation was made against Ramjattan by the President or anyone else at the meeting. The General Secretary was responding to media reports and did not suggest the source of the information. However, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan yesterday stepped forward publicly to accuse the President of making the claim at an internal and confidential meeting of the Party's Central Committee.

At the conclusion of the PPP Central Committee meeting on January 31, 2004, the PPP in media statement said: " the start of the Central Committee meeting today, a number of members raised the issue of Khemraj Ramjattan who has consistently and unjustifiably attacked the Party Congress, the Party, members of the Leadership and the Government. Members expressed discomfiture in sitting in a meeting with Mr. Ramjattan in view of the usual vehemence of his positions and remarks, and their lack of confidence that discussions will remain confidential, and indicated they would either leave or not participate in the discussions. Mr. Ramjattan thereupon left the meeting of his own accord. The Central Committee was informed that a letter had been written last week to Mr. Ramjattan inviting him once again, to discuss the attacks referred to above. The Central Committee held that party discipline and unity will not be compromised."

The Chronicle understands that the President has taken legal action against Stabroek News for publishing the false allegations.

In November last year, Nagamootoo declared his interest in challenging President Jagdeo for the presidential candidacy in 2006. The PPP subsequently issued a statement re-stating its support for Mr. Jagdeo's "Presidency and the Government's economic and social programmes."

The PPP has said it is likely to issue a detailed statement on Nagamootoo's and Ramjattan's public dissent shortly.



Sports Page for Thursday, February 12, 2004