A clear case of racial prejudice
People can’t help noticing that Stabroek News is standing out like a sore thumb because of their complete lack of coverage of any of the many events that took place to commemorate Indian Immigration Day.

In British Guiana/Guyana History this is indeed one of our most significant and important days because of the very important contributions in all areas made by our Indian brothers and sisters.

Economically, culturally, developmentally, their contributions are second to none, and all of us in one way or another have benefited from these.

It is therefore very strange to say the least that a national newspaper would choose to completely ignore the many events in commemorating Indian Arrival Day.

Many people will come to the conclusion and probably have already done so that it is a clear case of racial prejudice that Stabroek News has decided to ignore this event.

This further indicates their lack of sympathy for the many Indians who were beaten, robbed, molested and traumatized by PNC terrorist thugs after the 1992, 1997 and 2001 elections encouraged by certain sections of the PNC and after 2001 the PNC/Reform and several talk show hosts who speak for them.

This is a serious sin not only of commission but of omission by Stabroek News and can only represent a policy decision by their Editorial Board and Board of Directors.

Citizens of whatever race, religion or political persuasion may well want to consider whether they will continue to support this newspaper in one way or another.
Aaliyah Hooper