
As for the letters, we have received more supporting the Phantom squad than opposing it. Not all have been published. It is not our practice to join issue with every letter we disagree with. End











Mr. Ronald Gajraj

Home Affairs Minister




A Minister who it would appear has been very good is declared guilty of a crime which was perpetuated on the Indian population for more than 25 continuous years by the PNC but these same Indians who are so profound in their verdict did not have the balls to stand up and face those thugs.

If the man is guilty of a crime go to the court and petition for a trial. Spend your money and engage legal counsel to proceed but do not use the press and foreign governments to do your dirty work.

D. Singh

With the nation held at ransom by a band of vagabonds and criminals, the phantom force emerged and brought peace to the land. Neither the police nor the army offered protection and the people resorted to self-help.

Nyron Ally     1978_referendum   three-month visa 


Corbin among PNC/R protestors arrested
- demonstrators overturn car

















































Just for power  racial_prejudice  UNFAIR_UNJUST_CAMPAIGN













- police



USA Ambassador to Guyana   Mr. Bullen





However, Ambassador Roland Bullen told Stabroek News that the information given by Bacchus was still being evaluated, and when this had been completed, it would be raised with the appropriate authorities

Death squad killings
US embassy taking allegations seriously


Where in the world is George Bacchus?

Since he first went public with explosive allegations about the existence of a death squad, the man who says he was once an ex-informant for the group has vanished.  Bacchus_affair


Who ever removed, Gregory Smith, the assassin of Dr Walter Rodney,  from Guyana to French Guiana during Burham's era removed George Bacchus from Guyana.

Legal advisers  may have prompted Stabroek news to return four days after with another headline


George Bacchus willing to speak - relative
-but wants firm security guarantee

Death squad killings

The US embassy is taking seriously the allegations made by George Bacchus in his statements to US regional law enforcement officers who were present in Guyana at the time.

The link above is about the USA Embassy is meddling in Guyana's Affairs.....for more info, please read below .


I believe Guyana made the USA their official mediator when the US State Dept and the Carter Center were invited by both the PPP and PNC to preside as referee in the 1992 elections .

Further , both the PPP and PNC have appealed officially and unofficially to the USA on domestic political issues thereby making the USA the official meddler in domestic political matters .

When things are going well for the PPP and PNC it seems okay for the USA
to be consulted but when the US intervenes it is not so good .

The US State dept has to voice their concern if they are always called on
the mediate and should not be seen as a convenience. The last US
Ambassador was sympathetic towards Indians because it was clear he knew
and understood what Indians experienced for 40 years at the hands of the
PNC and when he was made Ambassador to Guyana he was eye witness to the
atrocities .

Now there is Mr. Bullen , an Afro Caribbean , and although he can only
execute policy from the US State dept he can influence policy in his
recommendations to the US State Dept . Where are Mr. Bullen's loyalty ?
Obviously as an afro caribbean we can assume he will be sympathetic
towards the PNC/Black agenda .

It amazes me that people are demanding Gajraj's resignation when in fact
Bacchus , the man who is making the allegation has not filed a formal
report but has lied about taking a lie detector test through the US
Embassy first before filing a formal police report .

I said from day one there is something very fishy about these allegations.

Was Bacchus' brother gunned down for other reasons unknown to us and
Bacchus realizing he is threatened is creating circumstances where he can solicit and get the assistance of the US govt to provide him with amnesty?

We know the PNC needs any and everything to ;
1. Confirm there charges against the PPP Govt .
2. Restore confidence in black PNC supporters who seem to be losing their
zest for slo fiah and mo fiah .
3. Further intimidate Indians by damaging the PPP govt as executioners of afro Guyanese and creating further FEAR in the hearts and minds of the Indians .

I believe whoever is/are responsible for the phantom teams need to really
increase these activities to staggering and  unprecedented levels , caring
to take aim at the criminals who target Indians . It is an imperative
given the level of weakness Indians are at presently, the lack of
commanding leadership in the PPP and other Indian leaders ,and the fact
the PNC needs to gain some serious political ground for the upcoming 2006

Ever since the PNC began their policy of violence against Indians, forty
years ago,  not one Indian leader has been able to lead Indians in a
commanding political move to end this 4 decade genocide and exodus of
Indians . It is inexcusable and unforgiving and reflects poorly on ALL
Indians leadership in Guyana . And we wonder why the PNC acts in the
manner they do , and if we wonder why afro Guyanese treat Indians as their
punching bags , and we wonder how afro guyanese criminals can kidnap ,
terrorize ,burn and beat ,murder and execute Indians with impunity .

The political , judicial and law enforcement processes have plagued the
Indians for 4 decades .  Caricom , the OAS , Big Three - USA , UK and
Canada , the UN and all else have been deaf dumb and blind through all
Indians have experienced for the past 4o years . I say if Indians can
organize their assets with or without govt and PPP approval to be able to
launch these teams who have proven able to take out these barbarians they
have have my support and blessings .

It is easy to talk the talk but Indians have been walking all the talk and
it is about time to bring this to a head and end this prolonged genocide
and oppression .

I seriously believe these teams need to be increased in numbers and
activity and the barbarians numbers decreased by DEATH or as others choose
to call it execution . Call it what you may . The law of the land has
failed Indians how can we expect them to work in our favor .